Monday, March 30, 2009

And it didn't even hurt...

I think I'm growing up a little.

I volunteered to organize the biggest fundraising event of the year at my son's school. At the time I signed up for it, I had no idea that that's what it was. I heard "Family Fun Night" and I thought, "Cool. One night versus something I have to be in charge of all year? I can do that."

But this is a really big deal. I'll spare you all the details, but this is way more involved than even planning my wedding. It's BIG.

And I've been freaking out a bit. And I started waking up feeling slightly panicked a few nights ago. "What am I going to do? What am I going to do?"

So I did what any right thinking person probably should. I prayed about it.

Yesterday I decided to focus my fast on this task because I was so overwhelmed and stressed out about it.

Not too long ago, my plea would have been that I could pull off the best event ever. An even shorter time ago, I might have pleaded simply for the success of the event.

But now? I just prayed that I could get through it and still be kind to my family. You know...basically keep a little perspective.

So, yeah...I think I'm growing up a little.


Kristina P. said...

Growing hurts, usually. Which is why I am perfectly content with being a spiritual midget. Is that PC? SPiritual little person?

Karen Mello Burton said...

I have had to help at a "Family Fun Night" when I was a PTA board member. The title is definitely deceptive. Good luck to you and the family!

LisAway said...

Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll do a terrific job.

I really appreciated your comment on That Girl In Brazil's post (about speaking/teaching in church).

It sounds like not only are you growing up, but you might already have grown up.

Cajoh said...

From what I can tell you are a very creative person so you shouldn't have to worry too much about it.

Just have fun— it's contagious.

Jami said...

God bless you for helping the school and for wanting to make it through while still being kind to your family. You'll do a great job with both, I'm sure. Hope you have plenty of help.

I've had to stop planning events, because I get so tense and unkind with my family as Event Day approaches. The events end up being successful, but the whole family is in chaos for weeks afterwards. Not good.

Heidi said...

Many people never mature that far, no matter how old they get.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

One of my favourite things about growing up is how things crytallize like that. Life is suddenly full of ah-ha moments as we finally figure out what really matters. Good on ya! And Good Luck!

earlfam said...


Heather of the EO said...

I hear growing up is a pretty good idea...

* said...

you have a heart. Love it. (found you via mormon mommy blogs)

Dedee said...

I'm so glad you had a non-painful growing moment.

Good luck on your fabulous event and I'm saying we need pics of it!

Unknown said...

Isn't it crazy how long it takes us (well, me at least) to figure out that we can't take our family hostage every time we get involved in something? You've learned it a lot younger than I did, although I really did learn it a few years back. As much music stuff I do -- and usually am in charge of -- I realized I was going to have a stack of programs and a family that hated me as my legacy from these years if I didn't make some serious changes.

Well done, you.

Debbie said...

All I could think of as I read this sweet post was about how the people on the board of your parent group left that night, went out and had a party, and celebrated you volunteering to take on family night.