Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baaaaa, baa.

I'm feeling a bit sheepish so I took down this morning's post. Teaching seminary is proving to be a wonderful experience and I don't want to misrepresent that in the interests of a funny story. Or maybe "funny" story, since I was so exhausted when I hit the publish button that it's possible I'm the only one who found it kind of entertaining and the rest of you thought I was kind of a jerk. Even the kid laughed, but I think it was one of those, "Guess you had to be there" moments and I'm not thinking clearly enough to explain it well.

Which is great, since I have to go help fourth graders do multiple digit multiplication in an hour and apparently it's blowing their minds. Yay. It's like when I say, "I'm not good at math," my son's teacher hears, "Let me help you with the kids who aren't good at math," and let me say that those are two different things.

Anyway, probably due to being tired this week, I'm running out of blogging fuel. Help a girl out, would you? I've seen it done elsewhere and I think this is the right week to try this. Why don't you leave a question for me in the comment box and I'll answer it over the course of my next two days' posts. By next week, I'll be alternating seminary teaching days with my husband and gettng a little more sleep, thus more able to stand on my own two feet.

So really, ask away. Anything you ever wanted to know? Now's the time to spit the question out. And notice I didn't necessarily say "Anything you ever wanted to know about me." I'm not that much of a narcississt. Want to know why Kristina P. has so many followers? The secret to a happy marriage? Or if you do want to know about me, ask away. Want to know about my most interesting scar? Or my opinion of camels?

Hit me, folks. Not in a Chris Brown way, though.


Luisa Perkins said...

Well, there you go. I really liked this morning's post.

I don't feel like I know you well enough to ask an intelligent question, so I'll go for random.

If you could have a dinner party with 10 guests from any country and/or time in history, whom would you invite, and why?

Cajoh said...

You sound so active, so I am curious as to what constitutes an average day for you. It doesn't even have to be an actual day, it could even be a combination of several days during the week to make it more entertaining.

Annette Lyon said...

I asked this one elsewhere once, and it was awesome, so here it is:

What is something you used to wear that you now cringe at?

(Accompanying pictures welcome.)

LisAway said...

I am SO BAD at asking good questions. So first I'll say that I really liked that post and it only seemed funny and showed what a great teacher you are. And also how much more clever you are than Matt. (Kidding)

Well, what do you think would happen to you if you were forced into a situation where you could not make your heavenly mint fudge ever again?

And my second question is: Assuming I we can meet each other in June when I'm in your neighborhood (figuratively speaking) are you going to bring the mint fudge for me or the chocolate covered cinnamon bears? Or both? Because I'm trying to figure out what I can bring for you. Pickled herring? Pig's feet jelly? I don't know. And you don't have to answer this one in a post. It's maybe a little too personal.

Josi said...

I want to know at what point in your growing up years did you realize that you're parents were deaf and that most parents were not? Also, did you ever fear you were going deaf as a kid? And did you get made fun of, and how did you deal with that?

As you can tell, the fact you were raised by deaf parents fascinates me. I have loved the posts where you talk about your parents and the funny stories (like the cop you had to interpet for and the Stalone movies). I'd love to hear how you personally came to accept that issue in your life and how it relates to you as an adult.

Kristina P. said...

I would love to hear your answer as to why Kristina P. has so many followers. What's her deal, anyway?

TheOneTrueSue said...

When do I get to read your next manuscript? I'm very bored and need entertainment STAT.

Heidi said...

I also really liked this mornings post. Also, I am jealous that you get to meet Lisa. And that you can eat mint brownies without it attacking your digestive system. My question: how many books have you written and are any of them out at a publishers for consideration? Or is that too personal? (If so you could just answer the last question)

Heather of the EO said...

That post was still in my reader and I thought it was funny. Just sayin'

Josi's questions are interesting to me too, I hadn't thought about some of that, but now I'm wondering too.

I'll ask my own though...
Do you rig your giveaways so that I'll always win because I'm your favorite or because you feel sorry for me? (wink wink)

Unknown said...

1: I liked your first post, but I totally understand hating something you've written. I feel that way about pretty much everything I've typed since January.

2: How do I get on the A-list for reading your manuscript? I'm totally, terminally serious about this. I get a real kick out of the way you write.

3: I, too, am interested in the story of your hearing impaired parents.

4: Everyone says things like, "Of course, if I had to do it all again, I'd do it exactly the same." Which is complete poo. Let's hear some regrets (regrets, that is, that won't have us reaching for our own cyanide capsules...)

4: What's this about fudge?? I feel like I joined this party just as everyone else was putting on their coats and calling a cab...

Tom said...

I'd like to know how Kristina P has so many folowers too. How do you get them without begging and annoying people?

A seminary story wouldn't hurt either.

Emily said...

I would take a blogging break and call it good. Your teaching early morning seminary, and coming from experience, (I taught for a year in Texas) I know how tired you are!

No questions. Just a request . . . take your blogging time and NAP!

nano*ink said...

How do Grant and James interact?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Where would you love to visit?

earlfam said...

On the other post....for some reason that kid is always my favorite kid in the class. Even when I have to kick him out-and I do-I still really like him. Why do you think that is?

Kristina P. said...

OK, now for a real question.

If you won the lottery, and money was no object, how would you spend it?

Unknown said...

Re: Predestination. I said I was sorry! Sheesh! However, if you feel the need to discuss, well, sistah, bring it!! Just remember, I'm the well-rested one!

wendy said...

Hey, I used to teach early morning seminary -just after I had a newborn (my 4th) I'd wake up and nurse the baby and then go teach seminary. EXHAUSTING but I learned alot.
A question I have for you, well, there's lots I need to know about you, but if you could go BACK IN TIME...what era would you like to visit/have lived in and why. (I am soooo deep)

annie valentine said...

I hate missing a removed post. They're always the best.

Alison Wonderland said...

If you could do anything you wanted without regard for training, expense, etc... what would it be?

Dedee said...

I thought that post was hilarious.

I'm with the rest on how I can get a hold of your manuscript. (I'm pretty good at editing. . .)

If you are in a store at the clearance rack and there are two of the same super cute shirt on the rack, do you go for the red one or the blue one?

(That's a really fancy way of asking what your favorite color is to wear. However, I could ask that question and then ask if your favorite color to wear and your favorite color are the same thing?)

Anonymous said...

Who is your FAVORITE sister and why?