Monday, March 16, 2009

No way

At the gym Thursday, I noticed one of the leg machines had a seat belt attached.

I vow never to use that machine.

I feel good I've made the right choice.


Annette Lyon said...

What's the danger? Whiplash? Yes, I think you made the right choice.

Kristina P. said...

Maybe it's to strap the girls down?

Cajoh said...

Safety first???? Makes you wonder what they had in mind when they added the seat belts to begin with. Perhaps that's why I stick to free weights (no risk of being trapped by the machine).

Unknown said...

Yeah. I for one always avoid the recumbent bikes with air bags.

Becky said...

Oh, c'mon! Where's the sense of adventure? You know what they say, if it won't land you in the hospital, it's not really exercise.

What's that? They don't really say that? Well, never mind then.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That is very disturbing indeed.

Andrew & Sarah Clawson said...

hilarious post!!

CountessLaurie said...

Most likely some dingaling fell off the machine and sued them. But, I would avoid it anyway. I just might be the next dingaling to fall off!

Jami said...

Did it also have a warning printed on it that you should not eat the machine or attempt to microwave it? And did they have you sign a waiver that said if the machine spontaneously burst into flames you would not sue the manufacturers? Or the staff of the gym? Or the guy driving by when the incident might possibly happen? I feel so safe when I read those.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love short, funny posts. Sometimes that is exactly what I am looking for. LOL

That Girl said...

I second that decision.

Feel very, very good.

Heidi said...

sounds like you could lose a body part on that thing ! Yikes!

Debbie said...

Sweet mother of all that is crazy in the world! What is that strap for? I am so very proud of you for taking that vow. Maybe you shouldn't even be in the room with it.

Emily said...

I don't get it. Really. But, I'm sure you've made the right choice.

Stephanie said...

I make it a point to never use any of the machinery that is occupied by really buff or skinny super sweaty people. Because obviously that's just WAY too much work.

Alison Wonderland said...

Oh I use the machines with the seatbelts but I don't fasten them, I'm afraid I'll be trapped in by the belt in the case of an accident. Or something.