Tuesday, April 21, 2009

That's the good stuff

I was thinking about prayers last night and how often I forget to pray for myself. Or at least, my prayers for myself are only in relation to other people. "Help me to be a good mother..." or "Help me to be a better wife...". Those kinds of things.

But in the last week, I've witnessed answers to my husband's prayers on my behalf. I've mentioned being super stressed about this fundraiser night I'm in charge of. I've heard my husband ask in family prayers for people's hearts to be touched to step up and help and I'm sure he says it in his personal prayers, too. And suddenly, people are emerging from the woodwork, people who are strangers to me, who are offering to help with some of the most difficult and time consuming parts of the night.

My only prayer through all of this has been that I'll be handle it and still be kind to my family. That's important to me because I'm a Type-A perfectionist on stuff like this. So far, I've been able to stay calm and treat my family the same. But it never occurred to me to pray for help from others because I so often tackle things on my own. I asked for help in multiple emails and phone calls and I didn't get much. I figured my elbow grease would eventually make it all come together.

I forgot about my knees.

I'm thankful for a husband who prays for me, who has enough faith to pray and soften people's hearts and have his prayers answered. I'm thankful for the answers to the limited prayers I pray and the knowledge that my Heavenly Father is waiting to pour out blessings...if only I remember to ask.


Kristina P. said...

Melanie, I am like you. I often forget to pray about stuff like this, and I try to handle everything on my own.

Thank you for this reminder.

LisAway said...

This is so lovely. I am the same with my prayers.

Elbows and knees working together can get ANYTHING done. Thanks for this. And I'm so glad you're getting through it all!

Lara Neves said...

I do think that we all sort of forget about praying for the help we really need. I am just like you and usually only ask for help in being a mom.

Awesome post, and good luck with the fundraiser!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

What a truly fabulous husband you have. Seriously. That's the best thing about a marriage that really WORKS. You learn so much from each other...

Stephanie said...

I am just beginning to learn this myself. All those times I roll my eyes and think "I wish...", I should bend my knees and say "Please..."

Chas Hathaway said...

Hmmm... I think I needed this reminder myself. Thank you!

- Chas Hathaway

Debbie said...

This is a great reminder for us not to forget to pray for ourselves. It is also a loving tribute to your marriage:)

Emily said...

This post brings up an interesting perspective. I never pray for myself, I just pray for myself in relationship to other people or events.

I need to try this.

Thanks for sharing.

Tom said...

My hat is off to you for reminding people to pray on your blog. I could do much better too.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Such a great post, Melanie. And a great tribute to your husband, who sounds like a wonderful man.

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a GREAT husband! Seriously. What a wonderful, kind, and beautiful thing to do on behalf of a spouse. He's a keeper, Melanie. (not that you didn't know that.) =]

Jessica G. said...

This reminded me of a saying I used to see everywhere:
"I want to be the kind of woman that as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil screams 'Oh NO! She's awake!'"

charrette said...

great reminder.
and a beautiful post.
it is so moving to hear someone (especially your husband) pray for you, and with specific blessings in mind.
i have felt so many prayers from others in my behalf lately.
the power of prayer is enormous.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh that is so sweet. I am totally going to pray for your fundraiser. And for your stamina too! You go, girl!