Someone told me frozen Peeps are really good.
Not true.
Someone said the same thing about frozen peas.
Also not true.
Frozen bananas and grapes, though? Delicious.
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1 year ago
Someone told me frozen Peeps are really good.
Not true.
Someone said the same thing about frozen peas.
Also not true.
Frozen bananas and grapes, though? Delicious.
I went to Girl's Camp in California, at this fancy campground with cabins and stuff, and they had a little store where they would sell frozen grapes. That was my introduction and they are delicious.
What about frozen Spam?
I've never been a fan of marshmallows so I don't see the love for Peeps, frozen or otherwise, but I did make some chocolate covered homemade ones for Easter and those, refrigerated were rather tasty.
Frozen grapes? LOVE THEM.
Hmmm ... how are you supposed to eat a frozen sugar coated marshmellow?
Frozen? No way. Everyone knows Peeps are best when stale.
Agree, peeps are best stale. Frozen chocolate, also very tasty! :)
The only way I like Peeps is in hot chocolate.
Best ever? Frozen Skor bar. Mmmm....
Frozen Junior Mints. Just ate the last one a few minutes ago.
I'm also a fan or frozen dehydrated apples.
I love frozen grapes. And frozen Snickers. LOL
I'm feeling those frozen Jr Mints. Peeps, on the other hand, and just plain ick. Frozen peas -- what? Eaten while still cold? Who told you that nonsense? Cuz they were totally pulling your leg.
frozen brownies are just nasty...not!
My Mom used to freeze whipped cream and put it on applesauce - very tasty.
Frozen peas are tolerable - if you are in bad need of a vegie and they haven't been laying around for several months.
I hate peeps. I'll only eat them if I really really need sugar. I really do love frozen grapes and slightly frozen banana's with chocolate!
Peas are disgusting unless they're fresh.
Frozen Peeps? Never heard of freezing them, but it sounds gross.
Frozen strawberries, YUMO.
Frozen grapes are like some sort of candy ice confection. Love them!
frozen bananas ---what!! why??
Oooh yes. Frozen grapes are deeelish. But I've never tried bananees. And frozen peeps? YUCK!
You should try frozen a Charleston Chew candy bar— delish.
I've never tried any of those things frozen. Although I will admit that peeps are part of Satan's legions. =P
Frozen grapes are the ultimate summer time candy!
Frozen peas? Who would eat frozen peas? That's just weird.
I'm with Kristina - we need a frozen Spam review.
Agree with previous comments: stale peeps are the way to go.
That or have Peep Wars in the microwave and then eat the losers with graham crackers and Hershey's chocolate bars.
I really like frozen corn and frozen Girl Scout cookies. Mmmmm!
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