Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm outta here.

I am not blogging today because I am obsessed with this book and don't want to stop reading it.
But I still love you.

P.S. I got a root canal yesterday and it totally didn't suck. And when I got hungry I ate some deli tomato basil cream soup that was 440 calories, 400 of them from fat. Believe me when I say it was GOOD. Oh, and Little Debbie Swiss Rolls also won't bother your sore tooth. The six I ate didn't, anyway. (Do you believe me about my butt now?)


Luisa Perkins said...

That's one of my favorite books.

I'm so glad the root canal went well! I've never had it done, and I have great fear of the whole thing. Your news is comforting.

Jenny P. said...

Haven't read the book, but I'm gonna add it to my list.

And I will be buying some swiss cake rolls. Today.

Shellie said...

I love that book!!! it is such GREAT writing! have fun

Becca said...

Great, great book. I convinced Husband to read it (which he didn't, but he got it on CD to listen to) and he loved it too.
"auspicious beginnings" and Mister Cassidy's cinnamon rolls - brilliant. Enjoy.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I cry in the opening chapter every time I read it. Terrific book. Enjoy.

Emily said...

Wish I was doing this today too!

Kristina P. said...

I've never had a root canal, but I have a mouth full of metal.

That soup sounds delicious!

Annette Lyon said...

Great book. I want some of that soup.

charrette said...

That is one of my all-time favorite books. Enjoy!

Josi said...

Loved the book--enjoy the swiss rolls!

Aubrey said...

I haven't had swiss rolls in a REALLY long time, but now you've got me thinking...

Glad to hear you survived the root canal. Every time I leave the dentist, it's like I've had a near-death experience. The sun looks brighter, the trees are greener; I'm just thrilled to still be among the living.

Anonymous said...

Have a great time reading!!!

Wonder Woman said...

I got a root canal about a year ago and it totally didn't suck. Mostly because the root was all the way dead.

I eat a lot of Swiss Rolls, too.

(Not really. But it was clever way to tie in the rest of your post, was it not?)

Nicole said...

Sorry about the root canal. Unfortunately the dentist and I are too good of friends. I've had many. Bad genes. Anyway, thanks for sharing the book title. I think I'll have to try it! Hope you're feeling well! Miss ya!

April said...

ohhhh.. the last book you said you liked (The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society) was awesome! (I am book stalking you! So, this will be my next read. And I will stock up on the Swiss Rolls too!

Dedee said...

I apparently need that book. . .

But not the Swiss rolls.

* said...

This is a funny post. Maybe because my last root canal felt more like a Mac Truck and that InNOut burger I tried eating the next day just didn't taste the same.

PS: the book looks like a good one!

wendy said...

I read that book and enjoyed it as well.
HEY, now you are MY kind of eater. You gotta know the more calories something has the better it tastes and the more you want it.
Soooooo unfair.
I soooo want my teenage body back.
Nope, that'll never happen.