Monday, November 16, 2009

Something rotten in the state of . . . Glasgow?

You have to stink pretty bad to be able to smell yourself. I know exactly what it takes for me to get to that point: traveling overseas for thirty-six hours, including eight spent sleeping on the floor with a bunch of stranded Estonians.

A few years ago when Kenny and I had been dating for about two months, his band went on a three-week-tour through the UK. Being in that stage of "I-can't-live-without-you-for-two-days-much-less-two-weeks" in our love, he flew me over to join them for the last week. It just so happened that the week before, a major terrorist plot to blow up planes flying between the UK and the US had been foiled and the airport security was insane. That's where the limit on liquids in your carry-ons came from. Remember that?

Anyway, it made my flight out of LAX late, which made me miss my connectinon in London Heathrow which made me miss my connection to Dublin. I cried until they put me on a plane and just when I thought I would land in Dublin to make my last connection to my final destination of Glasgow, the plane pulled back in for another hour for some other security related stuff. I landed in Dublin to discover there was no way I was getting into Glasgow until the next day. I was exhausted, having already traveled nearly twenty four hours with very little sleep. I was hysterical when I finally got in touch with Kenny, literally barely able to speak through my sobs. I didn't want to try to take a cab to find a hotel and mess with them accepting his credit card over the phone and not having any cash of my own or being able to make it back to the airport in time for my flight, etc. . .um, I was frazzled.

It was one of those things where paralysis set in and I just stayed in the airport. I tried to sleep but a recorded security announcement interrupted me every fifteen minutes. I had managed to secure an uncomfortable bench but it was better than the floor the Estonians occupied, smoking and conversing boredly. But they kept eyeing my bench and I didn't dare get up for a potty break because I knew I'd be out one bench when I came back.

So it was a long night. I was delirious by the time my Aer Lingus ticket counter opened. After explaining that in NO WAY was missing ANY of the flights MY fault and I would not be waiting until the evening to take the same flight as the day before, I got on the first flight of the morning.

Kenny was waiting for me in the Glasgow airport with a poster he had made by borrowing tape, crayons and blank paper from a little girl. He whisked me away to my hotel and while I collapsed in exhaustion, I wasn't so delirious that I didn't realize I smelled . . . pungent.

Embarrassed, I pulled back and said, "I'm sorry. I stink, don't I?"

He smiled and pulled me back into his hug. He said, "Nah. You smell like you, only . . .more."

That night he told me he loved me.

Four months later we were married. How do you not marry a guy who smells you at your worst and tells you he loves you, anyway?


Kristina P. said...

I wonder if Bella would pass the smell test? I think not.

stewbert said...

That's cute.

*snort* @ kristina

I had a similar experience with my sweet husband. I had open-heart surgery right after we got engaged. But I was still worrying about whether he loved me or felt sorry for me. After he spent an uncomfortable 24 hours on a couch in the ICU waiting room, and me throwing up on him when he got to see me for his 10-minute visit (morphine doesn't like me), then came to my private room and hugged me (gently) and told me he loved me after nearly 40 hours with no shower and smelling like hospickle ... I realized he really did love me. awww.

Jenny P. said...

I love true love. :)

Adorable story.

April said...

I love Kristina's answer....but I love Kenny's answer even more!

Jami said...

Aw, that made me all misty-eyed and I'm not even pregnant.

Happy Mom said...

Awww! Great comeback! That guy's quick on his feet!

TheOneTrueSue said...

Please have your husband give my husband a few lessons. What a sweet guy.

Anonymous said...

That Kenny's a keeper. Stewbert's story is great too.

My hubby smells so lovely, it masks everything else. Okay, so it doesn't but I pretend. He probably does too.

Heidi said...

I'm still stuck in the airport being hysterical. Oy vey, I think smelling pungent would be the least of my worries (okay, so being stuck in an airport by myself just happens to be one of my major fears). (Sharing air space with bored, drunk Estonians being another high on the list.)

Elder Ostergar said...

I remember that day all too well, I flew to London that very day. And to DC (where the suppossed) planes were headed the next week. If I had been flying with kids I would have lost my mind! THanks to xanax and a good book oh I forgot they won't let me take a book) I must have watched 5 movies or something. I barely made it. I probably smelled to, but I was visiting sisters in both places and they had seen the worst of me before. Besides people in England sink anyway, in the smelly kind if way.

Kazzy said...

This is seriously romantic stuff. Seriously. I love the way you suffered the long flight to see him.

Yeah, when you can smell yourself the guy either loves you or puts you back on the plane. Glad you got the love!

LisAway said...

That is so romantic.

I also have to say that I can't believe they didn't put you up at a hotel!! I had a similar problem once and we stayed in the hotel across the street. A fancy one. Just me and the kids. I both hated and loved it.

Also, on my way to California this summer I missed my first flight and I almost ended up with the same situation, but they would have put me in a hotel, I'd just be by myself and fly to different airports on my journey to LAX. I was hating that. Then they magically found me a spot on the oversea part of the journey and I was alarmed to find myself in first class. With free slippers and a sweater and complimentary razors and shave gel in the bathroom and all-you-can drink wine. The best part was that I could have my feet elevated the WHOLE TIME and I had been terrified of that long flight without even being able to stretch my legs, much less elevate them, and knowing I'd have to get up and pace the aisles a couple of times an hour (all night) what a nightmare! I'm SO glad the airline messed that one up!

So what I'm saying is that I can't believe they didn't put you up in a hotel. But it's probably better because you would have been able to shower and you might never have found out how much Kenny REALLY loves you. Everything happens for a reason.

Susan said...

You know I'm a sucker for sweet romance and that is awesome. Hope I get to meet Kenny the next time I'm in California.

Emily said...

That story is fantastic.

Angie Muresan said...

That is what love should be like. Love your story.

Dedee said...

You obviously got a keeper.

My stinky love story was after three days of both ends running because of food poisoning. I'm still shocked he came back. I know I smelled awful. If I ask (which I don't) he tells me that I did smell pretty awful. I didn't look all that great either.

Stephanie said...

Well said, Kenny.

And I can smell myself often. Isn't that how you're supposed to know when to shower? "Oh, I stink. Guess I'd better shower."

wendy said...

Oh my gosh, what an ordeal that was. I am petrified to fly --let alone that far, by myself.

Kristina must be one of those Twighlight junkies (tee,hee)

after that, now, if you ever smell, just remind hubby, HE LIKED YOU THAT WAY. Eau de love
(did I spell that right??)

Heather of the EO said...

Oh I love this story. You, only... more. That's just the best!

Debbie said...

Now this is a romance story! I do love that "you only more part". No wonder you put a ring on that man!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Okay, I'm not pregnant anymore but that still made me all teary and sniffly...