Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Write Stuff.

I hit my first forty comment milestone today. (Okay, granted, the last one was mine.) All I had to do was write a post about lady parts. What is wrong with you people?

Moving on. . .

I apologize in advance for rambling. Just know, all these thoughts are loosely organized around the vague theme of "writing" because I started hatching a new novel on Monday.

Please note the emphasis on "loosely." I'm pretty sure I can't overstate that.

So I'm in love with this new novel so far but it's taken me to some strange places already. In the last two days, I've interviewed a lawyer about the nuances of the term "legal standing", the concept of a "term of art" and the conservative perception of private sector non-profit organizations. I've called City Hall to interview a council member about zoning hearings and used my best friend's connections to figure out where the LDS singles hipsters live and play in Washington DC. Oh, and I invented a gentrified neighborhood just emerging from urban decay that still needs a home somewhere in the District. Ah, the life of a writer. . .

Oh, I need to know what colors look good on a redhead of the Titian variety. Any ideas? She has blue eyes, if it helps. I have to dress her and I don't want to put her in something devastatingly stupid for a redhead to wear.

My husband has nightly rehearsals this week for our huge stake musical and so I'm using the quiet time in the evenings to get twice as much writing done as usual. It feels weird.

I found out that the word "booty" is acceptable to my publisher but the word "sucks" is not. (And Nancy cheers...)

I have characters named Sand Dollar and El Diablo. Oh, did I mention it's chick lit and not fantasy?

I'm feeling more sure that I'm still as funny as I think I am. I make no attempt to figure out how funny other people think I am. I'm good with making myself laugh because that's a very, very low bar.

I submitted my second manuscript first thing on Monday morning and now I get to sit and wait. I'm alternating between a fantasy where the evaluations come back with rave reviews and a nightmare where my editor revokes my contract. I tend to land on cautiously optimistic in between, though.

Also, Baby G has finally discovered his boy parts and is kicking it Al Bundy style all day. And that has nothing to do with writing. It's just part of the scenery around here.


Kristina P. said...

I would put her in a hot blue dress!

And is "sucks" still really a crude word? I know it really used to be, but I think it's far more innocuous now.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

For your redheads sake, stay away from pink. My mom is a red-head and could never wear pink, or yellow!:)
"Sucks" can't be worse than half of the words used in young adult novels today. Just my two cents.:)

Cajoh said...

I too am way to easily amused. I even amuse myself. Don't know how many times my wife questions what I'm laughing at now— especially since I have been in the other room for the past ten minutes by myself.

The best of skill with your book.

Anonymous said...

My lil sis is a redhead and dark, fall colors look excellent on her. Olive greens and baked pumpkin oranges. (I know, you wouldn't think so with the hair but she looks KILLER.) The olive green and some dark gray also just really compliment her hair and fair skin.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

hee hee hee about the scenery.

Oh it all sounds so exciting. I lub that you make yourself laugh. You go, girl. You make me laugh too!!!


Annette Lyon said...

I have a redhead with blue eyes. Purple looks AWESOME on her--all shades, from light to dark.

Becca said...

Other writers in my publisher's house are allowed to use the word "hell" but I can't use "crap." Do you find that weird?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I hit 50 comments recently, and I think it was on the post about body waxing. We women know what we like to talk about!

And I've ended up writing a semi-LDS novel for NaNo, only I've already said "hell" twice, and one character said "pissed" but got in trouble for it.

So it's almost clean enough for LDS audiences, and too clean for everyone else.

Fortunately, it's complete crap right now anyway, so the only audience is me. And I'm good with "hell".

Don said...

So yesterday was girl parts and today it's boy parts. I sense a trend here that, given the limited number of options, may have run its course.

Sadly, I doubt writing about girl parts would have the same positive effect on my blog.

Shellie said...

so i'm guessing "vajango" wouldn't make the cut!

that sucks!

its a funny word :)

Unknown said...

I lied. 40 comments about waxing. FIFTY EIGHT about pondering a bunch of nonsense, like how McD's fries and Diet Coke are the celestial kingdom of junk food combinations.

So yes, body waxing, girl parts, and randomness - that's where the big bucks are, if the currency is blog comments.

Heidi said...

I've heard about the no pink for redheads, as well, but I asked an actual redhead whose daughter is also--and looks dynamite in it. Apparently, it depends on the tone of red. I'd stick with the sapphire blue--and green, lots of green.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I wish people would get over the 'sucks' word.

I get that fear while I'm working on my sequel too. I start worrying that it'll be awful and my editor will decide not to publish it.

Susan said...

Susan Auten Said...

Green is good on red-heads.

I love the word sucks-it describes the emotion perfectly. So sorry you can't use it.

Your book will get rave reviews, don't even sweat it. It's amazing.

That Girl said...

I'm amazed that you're actually productive when your hubby's not home. I mope around the house and end up cruising blogs or something crazy like that.

Jenny P. said...

It's ALWAYS the lady parts posts that bring out the comments.

Happy writing to you... I haven't been writing in a while. I took a little bit of a breather so my kids and husband would know what home cooked food tastes like again, and then I started sleeping full nights, and it started to feel nice. But lately, I've been happening across scenes from my next novel... the conversations are coming back... the talking in my head that no one else hears. I guess to calm the crazies I'm going to have to start writing again. Hmmm...

Now if only I'd hear something about that first one I wrote and am still waiting to hear something about...

Carolyn V. said...

You can't use suck? Oh boy, I'd better make some changes. =)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love that you are sure of your funnyness!

Alexandria, VA is a pretty hip spot for singles in the area. Yuppy types that are trying to score good high-power jobs, etc.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I just commented on your last post so now you've got over forty, even without your own.

Yeah, girl parts posts do seem to bring people out of the woodwork/

Anonymous said...

I just commented on your last post so now you've got over forty, even without your own.

Yeah, girl parts posts do seem to bring people out of the woodwork.

Anonymous said...

(Sorry for the double comment. I wasn't trying to spike your numbers, I was just having technical difficulties.)

Dedee said...

You're hilarious at all all times.

I accidentally used that particular "s" word in RS and you could feel the tension in the room spike.


Amber Lynae said...

I use sucks, I guess your publisher would be editing me. I guess I might think "sucks booty" would be a bit over board, but separately not to bad in my mind.