Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stick it to me

You guys are always asking questions, you know that?

And I loves it, so I'll answer three more.

First, Debbie at Suburb Sanity wants to know why she's late to everything. Uh....

Well, Deb, I don't know how to break this to you but: you have kids. It's a universal truth that each child you have means that you should automatically deduct five minutes from any scheduled on-time arrival. By my calculations, that means you're probably twenty minutes late on average to everything. Take heart, though. Now that two of them are off to college, you may see that average dip back down toward ten minutes.

Susan and I go way back to college but we reconnected on Facebook and then through blogging. She says she remembers that in college, I was really smart and really nice (the smart part is true) but she doesn't remember me wanting to be a writer and she wonders if that was always the plan.

In a word, kind of. My main dream was to be a teacher, which I was. Yes, I was that nerdy that I wanted to grow up to be an English teacher. I told close friends that I wanted to write a book someday but it wasn't something I was actively trying to do. But then, sevvvverrrrralllll years later, I met Prince Charming and Someday happened. I had the time to write and I did and then I got published.

Lastly, several of you wondered after Monday's post if we're moving.

Uh huh. But not until the summer. Right now we're scouting. We've metaphorically been all over the map. We considered Austin, Texas for a while, then took a long hard look at Northern California and as much as we'd rather not go with our third choice, the signs seems to be pointing to south Orange County. I'll do a post on it in more detail, but no, gentle readers (and DeNae). No one missed an announcement.

We're just about to be five people living in a cute two bedroom beachside condo and at some point, it's time to consider a living situation that does not consign one of our children to living in the closet. And yes, one of them currently does. Even though it's roomy. We need to move before he figures it out and starts holding it against us.

I hope you all enjoy your morning. I'll be spending mine doing an oh, so entertaining three hour fasting glucose blood test which I'll probably pass because this is third kid in a row that's put me through this. However, I have a minivan with a DVD player and electric outlets and a plan to use them. Between my three (four?) separate needle sticks at one hour intervals, instead of sitting in the lab waiting room watch the parade of human misery file through for their own blood tests, I'll hang out in the van watching Veronica Mars season two on DVD, writing, and reading. Suh-weet. Don't cry for me, Argentina!


Becca said...

We're almost doing the same thing today. Um, wait. Nope. That's not me. Not pregnant. Not doing glucose fasts. Not getting any needle-sticks (at least that isn't in The Plan). And hey, if you're really flexible, you can come live here - I have neighbors who are antsy to sell their houses, and nobody would need to sleep in a closet, unless they Really Wanted To.

InkMom said...

Come on! You should do Austin! I love that town. GREAT food. In fact, if I could order me up some TacoDeli right now, I totally would.

Wonder Woman said...

I wanted to be an English teacher, too.

Sorry about the pokes. Enjoy the solitude!

Kristina P. said...

Utah isn't on the list? Zion? Sob.

Don said...

Austin is great, and only three hours from here. What kind if incentives are you looking for? I'll do what I can to help steer you in this direction.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I want a waiting room like that! A move can be so invigorating! Keep us posted on your status~

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I say keep the closet scenario. It'll give him a spiffy link to Harry Potter - he'll be the most popular kid in his class one day...

Susan said...

Melanie, You answered my question! I thought you'd forgotten about me. Now I feel complete. So sorry, you failed the one hour glucose. I've been gestational diabetic with two babies. I puke that test up every time and it's inconclusive (I know-way TMI). So, good luck and try not to think about it as the sugar curdles in your stomach. :)

Unknown said...

Well now, I've been sassed again on this blog. Everywhere I look, someone is SASSING ME on their blogs!!

I can be a "gentle reader" if I've taken enough Nyquil first, for heaven's sake.

(My internal "there's a good explanation that doesn't involve my changing in any way" meter is recalibrating: You listed me separately because of our e-mail exchange in which I personally asked you if you were moving. Yes. Yes. That totally works...)

Unknown said...

Oh, and I'm opposed to your moving to Texas. And to your having gestational diabetes. I thought you should know that.

Annette Lyon said...

I'm with Kristina. Think of all the marketing opportunities when your book comes out . . . ;D

Carolyn V. said...

Yeah, there are tons of awesome writers in Utah. ;) California's good too (if you like that kind of thing. Which I do because I lived there for seven years). Good luck with the G. test (I hated those things, the bathroom was never close enought).

Sarah M Eden said...

I read somewhere that kids who sleep in cupboards (or closets) grow up to do really impressive things.

Karen M. Peterson said...

If I could afford it, I would totally live in South Orange County. I just don't have the money or the credit line for a nice enough car.

Nicole said...

Good luck with your test. I had my 3 year olds w/ me last time I did that, and they wouldn't let me leave the office to walk to the car to get a toy or coloring book to keep them busy. If I walked out of their site, they cancelled and rescheduled. And I already drank the stuff! I had to sit in that office with 2 toddlers and wait with no activities!!! I hope they let you go watch movies!

Cajoh said...

You should move here to Chicago. I need more blogging friends living close by.

Anonymous said...

What a smartie you are, chillaxing in the car watching DVDs instead of suffering in the waiting room. Wish I'd thought of that. ;)

*MARY* said...

Happy Being Pregnant Day! Is that what people say?
I've been in China too long.

Wait I remember:


That's the appropriate word, right?

Jessica G. said...

So you're telling me that it's the kids' fault I'm always late, not because I hit the snooze button five times? Whew...that is such a relief!

Aubrey said...

I want to put my vote in for Utah as well. It's a... pretty great state. As long as you don't count the inversion with the crappy air and the freezing temps.

But it's great if you ski. Which I don't.

Why do I live here, again???

wendy said...

your moving??--job change, want change of scenery, don't get along with the neighbors, what's up??

Sorry about the needle poking going on

* said...

I love the time deduction thing. So, let's see, if I have 4 kids, that makes me 20 minutes late. Yep, that's about right!

Becky said...

Glucose test. Blech. Good luck with that.

Debbie said...

Tennessee baby! That's where you need to move. It's all here:) (and all running a little late)

Heather of the EO said...

Asher slept in a closet at our previous house for over a year. Poor guy. At least it wasn't a drawer :)

I've missed you, by the way. My moving and holidays and blog event life has slowed down a little bit. It was so annoying not to be able to keep up with blog reading. (I'm serious.)

Now, don't ask me why I left a comment at 3:42am, mkay? I don't know. Can't sleep.

Dedee said...


And you should come here instead!