Sunday, April 18, 2010

Not so unspotted

So, for a wholesome Sabbath activity, we often watch MGM musicals. This means that I put one in, Grant continues to bounce off the walls, Kenny and I sing along at the top of our lungs, and James sits in the corner of the couch (because it's a sectional and has a corner) and acts like he thinks it's kind of dumb. But I know he doesn't really think that because, for example, just three days ago he heard the "Good Night" song on a commercial and got all excited. "Mom! That's the same song in The Sound of Music!" And I'm not even italicizing that because it's the proper thing to do with a title. The pure excitement in his voice forced those italics.

Anyway, wholesome. Right? So we watched My Fair Lady today, one of my all time favorites. And Grant was running around as usual paying no attention (except for "Get Me to the Church On Time" when he did a little jig for us that included the robot, which btw, is ridiculously cute on a two-year-old). And then it gets to the very end when Professor Higgins realizes he misses Eliza Doolittle and he says, "Damn, damn, damn!"

Guess what Grant's new favorite word is, in triplicate and everything . . .


Karen M. Peterson said...

It could be worse.

My friend's two-year-old kept mispronouncing "duck" today during sacrament meeting. At full volume.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! Good ol' 'enry 'iggins. ;)

That Girl said...

Now I want to go watch that movie. Maybe on ClearPlay? ;o)

Unknown said...

Well at least he's not ordering you to fetch his slippers. I love, love, love that movie -- until the last 30 seconds.

LisAway said...

How "cute"! Who doesn't love a swearing two year old? :) I actually would probably prefer my kids to imitate that than to pay too much attention to the "Get Me To The Church" song! :)

Kazzy said...

But when it comes from an MGM musical it is cute!

Susan said...

So sorry. We watched Annie (tied for my all time favorite musical. Right up there with The Sound of Music) last night, and for the first time in my life, I squirmed. I guess I've never paid attention to the words in those songs, but my husband was horrified. The song where Ms. Hannigan is trying to seduce Daddy Warbucks--"Do you wanna smoochie, my little coochie?" My eyes about popped out of my head.

Happy Mom said...

Chortle!!! Ain't that just how it goes!

I'm with Denae. I hate the last 30 seconds of that movie. Shouldn't he say or do something that at least suggests that he adores her and will treat her like his queen?

Other than that, LOVE it!

Kristina P. said...

Note to self: Put in naughty movies when I see my nephews next month.

Charlotte said...

Kids are capable of sifting through anything and taking from it the only words you don't want them to learn. It is a talent, an art form.

becca said...

Oh, precious. My (then) 3-year-old's fave part of Phantom was the "Damn you, Curse you!" part. Ah, musical theatre. What the hell's not to love?

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I love the idea of musical Sundays!

And too funny. What else can you expect of a child?

Becky said...

Niiice. Look on the bright side, though. At least it wasn't YOU who taught him that word.

Not that I, um, would know anything about teaching words,uh, like that to children.

Gotta go.

Annette Lyon said...

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

In triplicate.

amber_mtmc said...

This is too funny. My daughter hasn't learned a curse word. Yet. She does know how to say "suck" and "dang." I guess I should put in My Fair Lady?

P.S. Susan's comment? Hilarious. I watched Annie just a few weeks ago and squirmed myself!

Valerie said...

One of my dad's favorite lines comes to mind:

"Quite your damn swearing!"

I think it fits.

MTeacress said...

HA! I really enjoyed that funny for the day. Thanks for sharing. I also like the idea of musicals on Sunday. We'll have to give it a try.

Elder Ostergar said...

I just noticed that we both put new recipes on our happy list. what's yours?

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Some of those old musicals really do get a bit dodgy in parts. I've been shocked by a couple, watching them later in life and catching things I never did as a kid. South Pacific gets times.

Thanks for the giggle!

wendy said...

Oh damn that is cute.

My parents took me to the theatre to see My Fair Lady when I made it through my Grade 9 exams!!!!!

oh yeah, that long ago.

peewee said...

of course!

Lara Neves said...

Better he learns it from Henry Higgins than from Jack Bauer.

Braden Bell said...

I've been hearing so much about you from Crash and DeNae that I decided to come by. If I make it to the next Storymakers conf maybe we can do karaoke with old musicals. Love them. That's what I do for a living. I got to be Henry Higgins once, and for a good Mormon boy, saying that particular line was quite satisfying in a rebellious sort of way!