Sunday, May 16, 2010

Reverence is a virtue

So during church today, Grant stood on our pew and with a stern face and an unwavering finger, pointed at the little boy in front of him. "Sit down!" he yelled. And then during the sacrament prayer he followed that up with a hollered "Close your eyes!"

I guess I should be embarrassed that my two-year-old shouts during prayer.

But I'm just going to take credit for teaching him about sitting down and closing your eyes instead.

Happy Sabbath.


Wonder Woman said...

Our children were under the pews, "shooting" a little boy under the pews two rows up during Sacrament.


And the neighborhood kids were running in the sprinklers when we came home. It was a lot of fun explaining to my 5-year-old why he couldn't join them. (Never mind the fact that 77 is too chilly for sprinklers, anyway.)

Kristina P. said...

You have done a marvelous job.

Unknown said...

Funny, that's how I spent Sacrament Meeting today...

Heather of the EO said...

I love it. It's kind of like the times that I YELL for my boys to STOP YELLING. mmmhmmmm.

Stephanie said...

As you should (take credit).

Susan said...

I bet your new ward is loving him.

Heather Richardson said...

Hello! You don't know me and I can't remember how or when I started reading you (it's been awhile) but I remember reading awhile back that you were moving to RSM - if you are now in the RSM stake then we are in the same stake! I'm down from you a bit in Lake Forest. If that is the case then I say welcome to our stake, it's really a wonderful one! I hope your move has been smooth, and someday I may get to say hello face to face. Be well!

LisAway said...

Love that. Really, nobody would ever know how well you taught him if he DIDN'T yell it. Sitting down and closing eyes when that's what everyone else is doing doesn't really get much attention.

Karen Mello Burton said...

When we lived in Pasadena we had a little girl in the ward to loved to shout during church. A few times she let everyone know that she didn't like Jesus.

Carolyn V. said...

LOL! What a cutie! My little guy likes to talk during the prayer. I'm always saying "shhh." Silly cute kids. =)

NIKOL said...

During Sacrament yesterday, my son threw a toy car (where did that come from?!? I don't allow toys in church!) which hit one of the little old widows in the back row. Then he threw a fit when I wouldn't let him go retrieve it.

This is why nursery should be available for all three hours.

Dedee said...


Charlotte said...

My kids are always proving themselves quite irreverent in their attempts to point out their siblings' irreverence. Oh the sweetness of innocent hypocrisy (although when my 13 year old does it, it isn't exactly innocent anymore.)

Donna Tagliaferri said...

one time in a ward long, long ago I was sitting in the back row with my children...we lived in an older ward where small children should really be 8 month old began crawling the entire length of the church under the pews, just like he was shot out of a should have seen the people he crawled was not funny then, hysterical now.

Karen M. Peterson said...

At least he's not yelling, "MOM! HE'S TAKING OFF MY PANTS!" in the middle of sacrament like a little girl in my ward did on Sunday.

Be proud of your reverence kid!

Braden Bell said...

Hey someone has to keep order. Good for him.

The Crash Test Dummy said...


That was awesome!!!!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Your verifier say hully. That's a hush bully. hee hee

wendy said...

Someone has to speak up eh.
good for him.

charrette said...

It reminds me of when I shriek at my kids to be quiet.
Except I'm not two.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

LOL! How cute!! I soooo LOVE kids, I cry just thinking of them. :D