Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Still standing

I miss blogging so much!

I miss all of you even more!

But things are crazy here getting ready for the move. Still, I'd probably sneak in a blog post here or there if my laptop had not offed itself.

Don't buy a Dell Inspiron, 'kay? You would not BELIEVE the problems I've had with mine and it's only two years old. My husband finally declared his contempt and disgust for it and he ordered me a refurbished laptop of another brand (maybe an IBM Thinkpad?) that should be here any day now. Maybe then I can be a little more on top of my game.

Until then, I shall amuse myself with rounds of, "Yes, James. I really do mean that you can't take EVERY toy you've EVER owned with you to the new house so make the hard choices, son" twenty times a day. And also, "Grant, that is NOT a toy!" And "Eden, help me out here . . . I don't know what that cry means."

James has declared that he doesn't want to throw any of his toys out because "they might be worth something some day." Well. Number one: He's not allowed to watch any more Antiques Roadshow with me. And number two: Seriously? He's overestimating the appeal of his one-of-a-kind Lego pieces that mysteriously don't belong to any of his OTHER Lego pieces. But they're worth something. Just ask him. I bet we'll be able to pay for his college if we even just sold, like, three of those on eBay before he takes off for school. If he goes to community college. On an all expenses paid scholarship.

It should be a week-ish before I'm back to a semi-regular program of blogging but I'll be dropping in on your blogs as often as possible.

Don't forget me while I'm semi-gone, okay? Please?

(Just for fun, I'm going to time how long it takes Kristina P. to comment on this after I hit publish.)


Kristina P. said...

Hahahaha. That is hilarious. And the funny thing is, I have been away from my computer for the better part of the day, and literally sat down about 30 minutes ago to catch up on blogs, and I had just finished my Reader, when yours popped up. Yours is the last blog for tonight, and I am going to bed.

And when I saw it pop up, I thought, "I have missed Melanie's posts!"

Miss you!

Kristina P. said...

So, it was 6 minutes, apparently.

Unknown said...

That Kristina is a commenting savant! And we have missed you, although I already told you that via e-mail. Oh, moving with a brand new baby. Been there, done that, would advise against it unless you have no choice. We love ya; post some pix of your new place when you're settled and the new computer comes!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am anxious for some photos too! It will all be worth it. :)

LisAway said...

Wow, you sure sound like a mother of three in the midst of a move! Sheesh! And don't you just love what your kids pick up from TV. HA!

WV is "lowsings". Yes, I am an alto.

Stephanie said...

I just had a garage sale so I (kind of) feel your pain.

Wonder Woman said...

I was just looking at my reader yesterday, wondering when we'd hear from you again.

Hilarious that your son thinks his stuff will be valuable one day. Stop watching Antique Roadshow together and start watching Hoarders. ;-)

peewee said...

If Kristina doesn't comment on my posts withing 3.5 minutes I worry that's she's sick or dead.

Erin said...

We are having a garage sale in the next week or two. I told my boys they could keep whatever money they make on the toys they sell. I think we might successfully clean out their bedroom!

Good luck with the move and the craziness surrounding all of that.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Imagine that I'm crooning the song, "Unforgettable" at you right now. Move. Live. THEN blog. We'll be here.

Amber Lynae said...

6 minutes. Geez she is fast.

We miss you Melanie. I am wishing you all the good fortune possible while you move with your newborn.

I'm glad you got a new laptop. I hope this one isn't as stressful as the dell.

melissabastow said...

I'll give you 5 cents for that lego, in hopes that it matches our lego that doesn't go with all the other legos. Maybe if I collect everyone else's stray legos, I'll have a collection worth something.

Becca said...

Deep breath, right? Pack. Breathe. Eat. Breathe. Feed Eden. Breathe. Sleep. Breathe. Repeat. We'll still be here. XO

Cajoh said...

Love the line "help me out here… I don't even know what that cry means" way too funny.

The best of skill in whittling down the un-necessaries and getting everything packed away in little boxes that some will remain packed 10 years after you move.

You'll have to send us pics of your new digs when you get there.

Melinda said...

I have four kids (one being a less than two month old) and my husband's been gone for five months, getting back next week though (!), and we're looking at moving in July. UGH. I hate moving so much I'm almost considering staying in this gang infested, gun shooting, partying all night long neighborhood. I so feel your pain, its no fun!

Carolyn V. said...

Good luck on the move. I'm the one in the family who likes to keep every toy. I'm learning to give them away (it's only taken me decades.)=)

Charlotte said...

Happy moving. We are starting the weeding process for one in 6 months. I don't think I'll let the kids help, though. I'll do it while they're at school.

Dedee said...

Hrm. Moving stinks. Be well and we'll see you on the other side!

amber_mtmc said...

I've missed you too.

Good luck with the move! I can't believe how much stress you are under right now.

(P.S. I still can't interpret my guy's cries and he is like 7 months. I think I missed the whole Mommy ESP course.)

Debbie said...

I still think Kristina is an alias for a group of people who sit around and comment all day. Wearing snuggies, of course.
I'm typing this on my Inspiron. I covered the screen so it couldn't read the bad things you were saying. Didn't want it to get all offended and off itself too.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I miss you!

I hope the move is going okay and that the kids are learning to part with at least one or two pieces of their retirement fund.

Anonymous said...

My oldest son used to keep the canisters his Bionicles came in because he could use them as bowling pins (gee, thanks Lego magazine for making junk seem valuable) and I actually used to encourage this because it's actually true that original packaging increases the value of vintage toys. BUT, now I have five kids and five kids' worth of stuff. So I persuaded him that he didn't bowl that often and persuaded myself that if I just focus on helping him get a good education he can get a good job and then buy as many vintage Bionicle canisters as he wishes someday.

I hope the move is coming along and you're surviving!

Braden Bell said...

Good luck! I've been semi-out-of-touch last week and it was a strange feeling. I got my first post from Kristina P yesterday and it made me feel a LOT better.

Donna Tagliaferri said...

love yours, would you love mine?

wendy said...

moving is a big we'll wait for ya!!