Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kicking back

I got 8 comments on my last post.

It's odd for me. I'm used to double digit comments, usually starting with a 2.

I should probably care more than I do. I should probably care more that I checked Google Analytics out for the first time in forever and my numbers are down by half. There are reasons for it, like not having time right now to swing by a hundred blogs a day because Eden is usually on my lap. Babies are needy like that. So my numbers fall.

I should probably care more. But I don't.

I guess that's part of growing up, right? Right now I'm not blogging to make money. I'm not blogging because I need people to see what I say. I'm not blogging because I have a particular platform. I'm not blogging to chronicle my family's life for posterity.

All of these are good reasons to blog.  But they're not my reasons for blogging.

Right now, I'm blogging because in the few leftover minutes I have in each day, I like to hang out with my friends. So I swing by whenever I can. And there's that handful of friends that come by and I expect them and I'm happy to see them show up, just like I thought they would. 

And it's good.

Maybe my reasons for blogging will change in the future. Probably they will. I don't know.

But for right now, I'm happy. Thanks for hanging out with me.

*Um, I just read Mommy Snark today and she says it way better HERE.


Kristina P. said...

I think that blogging is very reciprocal, so it could be part of the reasons readership is lower. But honestly, I think it mostly has to do with summer.

My stats are down, and my comments are down. Now, I know I still get a lot, but it's all relative, and that's all I have to compare it to.

As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

Tracy Loewer said...

I'm a completely irregular blogger at the best of times, but I'm waaay worse in the summertime. And yeah, I get more visitors and comments when I'm able to visit more blogs, but I'm not actively building any sort of platform or whatever, so I do what I can, when I can (much like you) and it works for me too!

Amie Borst said...

you know...i'm kinda like that. i'm not very good at, shall i say, reciprocating. i'm terrible about commenting on other blogs....and then i wonder why i have so few followers.

guess the saying is true - if you want friends, you gotta be a friend.

oh - and btw - i totally LOVE that you have your weight/weight loss goals posted! how freaking brave are you? me? never happen (even though i do have 50 pounds to loose)!

* said...

Summer time blogging is weird. I think Kim mentioned it recently, too.

I love blogging for the social aspect too (among many others!). When I blog visit, I feel like I'm doing a virtual visit to all my friends, checking in & touching base, etc. I pretty much get around to everyone about once a week. It used to be nearly daily, but I realized if I want to take writing seriously, I need to refocus on *that*. (sigh) I'm a dabbler and want to be everywhere @ once. Not always a good thing when it comes to discipline and writing. (double sigh)

Wonder Woman said...

I feel very much the same.

Miss Marvel's crying and so I'm done commenting.

p.s. yay for more light, sorry for more wrinkles.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yeah, the back and forth adds a real twist to it.

I had to just get to a place where I read the blogs that really interest me, and then I write what I want.

Amber Lynae said...

I am of a similar blogging mindset. My comments are down, but my participation is down as well. But for now that is ok with me.

I'm just glad to know that you are getting to enjoy your precious little one.

Melinda said...

Sometimes I feel guilty, if I don't comment enough. But then I think "hey, I have four kids. One's a newborn. Thats the way it goes!" and then I don't feel so bad. :)

LisAway said...

Oh, Melanie, I totally hear you. I sometimes don't get any comments. Not really but I get less than half. I've realized that I'm still not blogging that regularly and when I do it's almost always something about my kids. I've tried to think of things to write about that are not my three year or 7 month old, but I realize I only write for me, so I can't just fabricate something that I don't feel. This is just the stage I'm in. I do feel a little sorry for my readers, but hey, I've always said that I just write what I want (not being a writer and having stumbled into the blogging community inadvertently)

Anyway, everyone's numbers are down, and I guess it's true about the reciprocity, but I'll read you forever no matter what.

Jenny P. said...

You mention growing up, and I think you are absolutely right. I came across a blogging message board thing through some random clicks on someone's blog. Do you know what it said? You follow me and I follow you! There were some 300 blogs or so on the list and you were supposed to go through and follow them all, and then they would all come and follow you back. Seriously? What's the point in that? When it becomes a numbers game instead of an "I really like reading you so I'm following" game, then we're all back in middle school trying to see who's the most popular. It's dumb.

I'm here because we're friends. And you said it just fine all on your own. :)

Susan said...

This is a perfect post for me. I have very low numbers and I know it's because I'm not willing to spend hours on other people's blogs so I can have higher numbers. I'd rather write, or spend time with my kids or cook for my very appreciate husband. I think you've got it figured out perfectly.

Stephanie said...

Love you Mel. Still here, not going anyhwere. Figuratively, of course, because in real life, I'm going all kinds of places. :)

Dedee said...

Hey! You're in double digits right now!

Summer is killing everyone's blogging, I think. I only get through and read every couple of weeks and I'm writing even less often than that.

Yay for doing what works for you!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

My numbers have dropped hugely too. Similar reasons...busy with baby, summertime and so forth. Plus my blog is almost 100% serious these days and really, who wants serious ALL the time?

I love how you put this, about what blogging is for you right now. It's starting to be more about that for me too. It's become about the social aspect almost more than anything else.


Alison Wonderland said...

I never get a lot of comment anymore and I just can't bring myself to care. I know what I'd have to do to get more and at this point it's just not worth it to me.

For what it's worth (probably not much) read all your posts but usually not until you have three or so and then I read them all (as today) and then only comment on one if at all. But I always enjoy them.

NIKOL said...

I started blogging just because it sounded like fun, but one of the reasons I keep blogging is because I really enjoy the e-friendships I've formed. Sometimes in real life, I'll go through really social periods where I put forth a lot of effort to connect with my friends and spend time with them. Then I'll go through periods where I don't hang out much with anyone, and don't really call or email much, either. My friends know that's how life is sometimes. I'd expect e-friends know that's how it is, too.

InkMom said...

Sing it, sister. I've been saying a lot of, "Meh." lately. I think I'll have a chance to post later today once I've detached the baby nursing peacefully on my lap right now . . . but if I don't get to it, well, then, meh. I'll do it tomorrow.

Still reading yours, though. And pretty much every commenter on this here list right now is also on my list of never miss reads.

Water seeks its own level, yes?

Valerie said...

I always read even but not always comment. I really enjoy your blog! At least your comments are in English- I can only get the Asians to comment on mine...

Unknown said...

Everyone has said it already, but I'm piping up cuz I want you to know I'm still here, too! It really is the summer thing. I freaked last summer - my first summer as a blogger - when my comments dropped to zippo!

We're not always home, we're not always blogging, and having my kids home completely throws my routine! I always blog first thing in the morning - unless there are 4 big kids all vying for the computer at the same time.

But I do read everything you write, and I try to give my friends a little wave whenever I drop by their blogs. And of course, I hope they do the same for me!

Carolyn V. said...

I really think numbers are down because of summer. Plus it's hard to have little ones and keep up with blogging. I'm totally impressed with how well you do. =)

amber_mtmc said...

Hey! I'm still here! In fact, when I do get on-line, yours is among the first that I check. Your writing is hilarious. Just so you know. : )

Braden Bell said...

And now you're back in the 20s!!!! I was thinking, while I read this, that Mommy J and you were on the same page. I think it's great. Analytics can be a slave driver. I've been swamped lately and haven't done much reading, either. And my traffic's down, too. At first I got worried then I said, "Meh."

Lara Neves said...

I hear you.

I've gone from like 30 comments a post to sometimes 5 this summer.

I'm cool with it, though. I'm certainly not commenting much and I'm blogging about things like my family and stuff we do. Not inspiring. But stuff that is important to me.

It probably is summer, but I think that blogging might be falling out of vogue a bit. Really. Last summer wasn't like this. But I decided I don't care much. :) And I also loved MommyJ's post. Really true.

Shawnie Cannon said...

It's the summertime. Just got rid of house guests myself and hardly wrote on our blog either. Today is the first day I'm back to reading my favorite blogs. You write delightful stuff. Thanks.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I'm with you. I blog to hang out with my friends. I was actually surprised some of my pre-scheduled vacation posts got any comments at all.

(Although, bribery does work wonders sometimes...)

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I totally hear ya. My comment numbers are way down from six months ago. And I know it's b/c I'm not taking the time to comment on other people's blogs very often.

I just don't have time. Blogging itself takes up a lot of time. Commenting takes time I don't have. So I've realized that I need to have a blog that is a blog just to be a blog. Not so I spend all my spare time gathering comments.

I get lots of traffic. Just not comments. That helps me feel fine with it.

Heather of the EO said...

I stopped looking at analytics and stats altogether because I didn't want to have to decide how I feel about it, you know? It's good you don't care. Life is full. It's summer, your Eden is only a baby once. Blogging will not grow up and move away. :)


Anonymous said...

Great post, Melanie. I'm not around much right now but when I'm back, you'll hear more from me.

Glad you're blogging for you & taking time for the things that are really important.