Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Let's get this party started

Just so you know, I've been out of town for nine days.

During that time, I didn't watch the news. I did finish my second-to-last set of revisions on Manuscript #3 before submission (cutting 10,000 words in the process last week and over 20,000 total THANKYOUVERYMUCH), I did go to a parade, I did eat two milkshakes, I did get my oldest kid back (whoo hoo!), I did read a few books, and I did ride in a covered wagon.

But I didn't watch the news. Want to know what happened in the nine days that I didn't watch the news? (And let's translate "news" loosely as I regularly partake of the TMZ): California reversed Prop 8, Fantasia Barrino attempted suicide, Ted Stevens died in a plane crash, some flight attendant lost it with a passenger and became a folk hero, and bachelorette Ali made her choice.

Now I'm off to find out about all the really important stuff that happened in the last nine days. Let the blog-hopping begin . . .


Kristina P. said...

Team Flight Attendant!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Now I need to go google Fantasia. That makes me sad...

Unknown said...

And Michele Obama created a national brou-ha-ha over her gazillion dollar vacay in Spain. And Bristol Palin rather unceremoniously re-dumped her baby-daddy over a silly little conversation in which he admitted the might be the father of another as-yet-unborn child. Goodness, those Palin women are fuss pots.

Susan said...

Wow. I didn't watch the news either because I have a long term goal of not depressing myself. Go Bristol! Welcome home, and have fun revising some more and checking out blogs.

Brittany Ann said...

I'm glad your back!

Jenny P. said...

The flight attendant story made me laugh. I'm glad you're back too.

Carolyn V. said...

You cut 20,000 words? You have great strength. I didn't know that about Fantasia. That's too sad.

Don said...

I haven't gone anywhere, and two of those five things were new news to me.

Welcome back, and happy editing!

Karen M. Peterson said...

The flight attendant is MY hero.

Let's see...there was also Lindsay getting released from jail and going to rehab, but that might have happened before you left.

amber_mtmc said...

I haven't watched the news in over a year but knew about all the stuff you mentioned. I thank my husband, he watches/reads more than enough news for the both of us and keeps me more than a little informed. Except for on the important things, like TV shows.

Welcome back!!

Dedee said...

This post rocked.

Just sayin!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Yay for blog hopping! And my goodness, I miss a lot by not watching the news. Good thing I have friends who blog about it, eh?

Alison Wonderland said...

I was right there with you for the prop 8 thing and then you lost me. The who? The what? Oh forget it.

PS my WV is dismses (which let's fact it, it how I usually type it the first time through anyway) coincidence? I think not.

Braden Bell said...

Congrats on the revisions!!!! THat is huge. Way to go.