Sunday, August 15, 2010

Text from last night

The scene: At a play with my friend. I decide to text my husband who is home with the kids.

Me: Intermission! Great show. How are the kids?

Kenny: While I was putting Eden down for a nap around 6:30, Grant went into the backyard, took of all his clothes, pooped on the patio, smeared it around with his hands, slid the bucket along the poop, wiped off some of the poop with his monkey blanket and started to come inside when I finally got down there. Thank goodness for flies or  I'd never have found all the poop.

Me: Can't even muster the strength to answer "Now you know how I feel" due to convulsions of laughter.

I will save this text FOREVER. 


Chantele Sedgwick said...

That. Is. Awesome. Ha ha!

Susan said...

MWahahahaha! Fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Glad for you that you were gone for all of this! ;)

Karen M. Peterson said...

That's got to be the best and longest text message ever.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I don't know what to say either. Wow! Lol

amber_mtmc said...

I am impressed that you two wrote so much in those text messages. Aside from that, that is the best conversation I've ever read. : )

Tracy Loewer said...

Oh my goodness, that is just too funny!

Braden Bell said...

You know, even if the play was terrible, you totally got your money's worth out of the ticket

Jami said...

You know when people say LOL they generally mean haha, mild amusment. Not this time--I'm laughing out loud.

NIKOL said...

That story is priceless. And perfect to drag out on Grant's prom night.

Kristina P. said...

Going on my cons list of having children.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I love that he actually had a sense of humour about it.

Print it out and FRAME it baby!

Alison Wonderland said...

So his show was good too.

Charlotte said...

That post is most definitely a keeper. Too bad you can't frame it to hang in your house somewhere!