Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Sigh

There's something incredibly liberating about blogging only when I feel like it.


Kristina P. said...

Sounds pretty amazing.

Tracy Loewer said...

Amen to that!

Jenny P. said...

True that.

I'm loving my new once a week if I'm lucky schedule.

LisAway said...

Yeah, it's quite awesome. And I would never be so bold as to say, "But don't forget we want to read you!" Instead I will say, "Sigh your happy sighs and we'll read you when you write." :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am feeling the same way.

Susan said...


Stephanie said...

I was just thinking about you this morning and hoping all is well. Glad it is.
Unfortunately, I've been blogging too much lately because I want to instead of doing something else I don't want to do. A little therapeutic, but still not the best for overall life balance.

Happy Mom said...

I'm with you girl!

Carolyn V. said...

Hee hee. So true!

Wonder Woman said...

True. Dat.

Karen M. Peterson said...

True story.

Blogging got to be so much more fun when I stopped feeling like people expected it.

Becca said...

And that's the benefit of not knowing how many people read the blog. I don't ever feel like someone is missing me. (But I can see the upside of that...)

Becky said...

Oh, yeah.

wendy said...

Ahhh....that is my sigh along with yours.

Anonymous said...

ditto that

amber_mtmc said...

Agree. Completely.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh my gosh! AMEN, girlfriend! AMEN. Can't believe you were in St.George. I almost went to Neilson's. That would have been RAD! So glad you thought of me when you were watching Jack Johnson. Things are as they should be.


P.s. Youre verifier say cooth. HA. It's cooth to only blog when you feel like it so go ahead.

* said...

Yes, I agree. I have stretches now of entire swaths of days (Th-Sat) not blogging. That's coming off nearly 2 years of Daily Crazy Nuts blogging. It was madness, I tell you.