Saturday, February 19, 2011


I got two things today, one of which helps you and the other of which helps me.

First, are you watching Who Do You Think You Are? It's becoming a favorite Sabbath activity around here. I'd say it's pretty hard to call a church time "ungodly," but 2 p.m. gets mighty close. We spend the morning trying to figure out how to make the day feel special since we don't start with church to set the tone. A couple of weeks ago, we started watching Who Do You Think You Are after breakfast. The short explanation of the show is that it's about family history. Celebrities trace their roots and discover their family stories. It's cool. And Sabbath-appropriate. In my opinion, anyway. If you have cable, you can find the episodes On Demand. Just look for the NBC listings. And they're online at the NBC website.

Second, can you give me an opinion on a little sumpin' sumpin'? I created a fictional dating website that appears in all of my novels called LDS Lookup. We're going to launch the site, but it won't be for actual dating. It will just be the profiles of characters in the novels so people can either find out more about the characters they're reading about or about the ones in upcoming novels.

My friend Cristina designed three templates for me and I'd love your opinion as to which one is better, so be American (or Canadian or dual-citizen Polish or whatever you like) and vote. It'll make you feel good. And not to be rude, but at my core I'm a selfish person, and it will make ME feel good. So click through from your blog reader (lurkers!) (Love ya) and take the little survey at the top of my blog cuz you're cool like that, okay?




Kristina P. said...

I haven't watched that show, but it does look pretty fascinating.

I think it's between 2 or 3. They both look cooler with the cartoon pictures.

{autie} said...

I'm liking 2 or 3..but leaning more towards 3. how fun!

Heather Richardson said...

I like #1 - but I have no experience with this type of thing!

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I like the second one! You are seriously so awesome! Can't wait to see the site when it's up! :)

Th. said...



Heather of the EO said...

That was HARD...they all look so good. For realio.

Barbaloot said...

I love when I vote and see that I have the same opinion as the large majority. Makes me feel a little more normal.

I love Who Do You Think You Are! I think it's so fascinating. I love how the celebrities get so excited with the things they find and I just wanna go shake them and tell them how important what they're doing really is! And let them know the ancestors are helping them and are excited they're doing this!! It's so awesome.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That is a seriously cool show concept! Almost as cool as the mock dating website. LOVE.

Valerie said...

My vote is for #1

Susan said...

Cristina does such a good job. I'm thinking you should go with 2 or 3. If you put real pics up, people will be disappointed that your characters looked different in their minds. Just a thought. I'll go vote though.

Annette Lyon said...

Voted, but apparently I'm in the serious minority. I think #1 looks like a real dating site and would be easier to navigate--it feels more REAL. The cartoon images don't do it for me.

But heck, ignore me if everyone else disagrees. :)

When is your book hitting shelves?

Unknown said...

No, Annette, your vote simply puts you with the intelligencia (tsia? zzia?) - um, the brilliant voters.

Namely, yours truly.

However, you may want to use the cartoon characters regardless, because you know perfectly well that even if you call it "The Totally Fake Seriously You Will Never Hear From People and You'll Probably Die Alone Web Site," someone will STILL try to use it to find and eternal companion.

Of course, one could argue that this would effectively keep their genes out of the pool, and therefore is merely Natural Selection at work.

But still...

Jenny P. said...

I've watched one episode and really enjoyed it. I think I'll have to visit NBC and watch a few more online.

And I love the idea of your website and am so looking forward to reading your book.

Lara Neves said...

I have wanted to watch that show. You just reminded me...

I like the design of #3 best, but I don't like the cartoons in it. I like #2's cartoons better. Or the real people. Seriously cool idea though for an author/book website.

LisAway said...

Hey, what!?! Poll closed!?! Well, I'll tell you here: I like 1 and 3 best, maybe 3 a little more. But I thought LDS Lookup was a red page. :D

This is a seriously good and FUN idea. And I know someone who makes up fictional IM banter to beat all IM banter, fictional or otherwise.

Also, I really wish I could see that, but I'm sure that, like everything else, they don't stream it over here on their website. Ugh.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I like #1 the best.

And I really do need to watch that Who Do You Think You Are. I've seen clips that are really good, but I never seem to catch the series.

Kristy said...

I like #1 because they're real people (and yet not.)

Charlotte said...

I know I'm late, but I like #2 best. Great idea, too.

Anonymous said...

It's between 2 and 3 for me. I think I'll go with 3.

Ann @ Long Journey Home