Friday, April 22, 2011

Quit playing games

Our family is fond of games. And you can keep your Parcheesi and Monopoly to yourself, thank you very much. We like to walk the edge. Sometimes we teeter toward the brink of absurdity, like when we play Freeze Face. I've told you about this game before and if you aren't playing it, then you're  missing out. You need a DVR and a complete lack of ego to play and then you're all set. Just pick a show, any show, and randomly press the pause button. The person of your choosing has to duplicate the expression on the screen. You win by. . . um, actually, anyone not doing the actual face-making wins by virtue of getting to mock the face-maker. Good fun. (I'd show pictures but the oldest isn't cooperating. I'm not a fan of the spring break lazies so I sent him to his room to think about why laying around on the sofa and refusing to do anything until the third and fourth request is a bad idea, even if it's a request to pose for pictures of your mom's stupid game. But the banishment had more to do with 18 other things he refused to do this morning until I nagged him for the umpteenth time.)

Sometimes our games teeter on the brink of danger, like in the new Jacobson family classic: Refrigerator Tetris. This game takes nerves of steel and the steady hand of . . . well, Kenny, mostly. He's the champ around here. When you have three different kinds of milks, two varieties of juice, Egg Beaters and regular eggs, four different cheeses, and assorted containers of leftovers, it takes the dead eye and calm demeanor of a bomb squad technician to add anything else to the mix. Fail, and you'll 1) end up with marinara sauce down your shirt front and far worse, you'll 2) incur my wrath. "What do you mean you jumped to avoid a bath in fish stew? You should have just taken it like a man! Now you can scrub the stinky floor on your hands and knees. What? What does being THREE have to do with ANYTHING?"

Yep, I'm a joy to  live with.


Kristina P. said...

My mom became addicted to Tetris, when I was in high school, and had to take a hammer to it.

Melinda said...

Those sound like the games at my house! You know, how fast can you go before mom catches you and how many snacks can I ask for in a single hour, stuff like that.

Barbaloot said...

Doesn't sound like I can play those games. I have no DVR and no one to load up with fridge food. What to do.

Charlotte said...

We play the fridge game way too often. Nothing says fun like dropping containers on your foot or cleaning red sauce off your favorite shirt (I lose a lot with that game).

Erin said...

What an interesting game. I may have to suggest it to my family tonight.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

So awesome! My family is crazy when we play games. We are all so competitive. It makes for some fun times! ;) I may have to try that fridge tetris... :)

Karen M. Peterson said...

My mom didn't like the games I used to play when I was a kid. Like "Hot Lava" where I pretended the carpet was hot lava and I had to get all around the house without stepping on the floor. I don't know why that one bugged her so much...It's not like the tables were expensive...

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. Am I reading this correctly? You make fish stew??

InkMom said...

Talk Soup has some slick video editors who must have eavesdropped at Jacobson Family Fun Hour, because I have seen some . . . shall we say, unfortunate, shots of various major and minor celebrities on that show.

Heidi said...

Hee hee, sounds like my fridge. And my kids, come to think of it.